Monday, December 1, 2008

I heard a talk a few years ago where a man said that right now in our lives we have the least amount of responsibility that we will have.
He was speaking to men and women at all different stages of their lives, he didn't know what they were going through now or what they had been through. How could he say that and better still how could it be true?
When I thought about it and as he talked I realized that we grow all the time and where much is given much is required. A young mother with little children may think the diapers and sleepless nights will never end. (the diapers do end)
Then she has teenagers and then weddings then grandchildren and great grandchildren...
Our lives continue to be blessed and we work harder to be responsible for those blessings. Each of our lives are different. Some people will never have the responsibilities that others have and yet they will never have less responsibilities than they have now. The responsibilities will change but never decrease. If that is a depressing thought it is because we tend to stress and look for a time when we won't.
That brings me to my closing thought and favorite scripture.
Psalms 46:10 Be still and know that I am God
As I think of this scripture I think of us frantically trying to get things done or stressing about things we can't change and God with a loving smile on his face softly reminding us that we need to stop and remember he knows everything and has it all under control. What a peaceful thought and even more so if you can remember it during chaos.

Dedicated to Julia at this crazy time in her life, I love you

1 comment:

Julia said...

Thanks Mom. I needed that. :)